
"RATP Dev's drive2zeroTM vision is the outward commitment to never stop the continuous improvement effort of reducing and addressing risk in our operations."

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RATP Dev addresses safety and security challenges organizations and agencies face: safe driving, bus monitoring (cameras), and obeying traffic laws. It is our aim to create a positive culture throughout the entire organization.

Introducing: drive2zero™ an official framework to increase safety culture of RATP Dev operations by managing safety and security to the lowest level of risk.

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 drive2zero™ incorporates four critical components that provide a systematic approach to achieving acceptable levels of safety risk: Safety Policy, Risk Management, Safety Assurance, Safety Promotion. 

Safety Policy: Employees are responsible for reporting issues, managing a low level of risk and continually setting high organizational goals and safety standards. Understanding the full landscape of risk through employee participation allows you to set achievable goals to enhance your operation.

Risk Management: drive2zeroTM incorporates a pro-active risk management approach in which a risk assessment is conducted and potential hazards are defined. Once complete, this component of the framework plans systematic changes to address the problem, ultimately finding proper remediation. 

Safety Assurance: Once potential hazards are identified and risk is assessed, the quality assurance and evaluation process are applied. Repeatedly evaluating and investigating data and systems with appropriate tools and technology allows for the correction of controls and supports informed decisions.

Safety Promotion: The last component is about safety education and awareness throughout one's organization. From our organization to yours, promoting a solid safety education among employees and enabling teams to learn and train themselves on proper safety controls drives an overarching positive safety culture.


Embedded within the four components are software solutions and technologies that enable this framework to become a reality:

1. SMS Software    2. Incident Notification   3. Learning Management     4. Vehicle Telematics

>> Download our drive2zeroTM infographic to learn more!


key components


Reduced Vehicle Accidents


Reduced workers compensation and personal injury claims


SMS Software
Software that directly manages the safety, risk, and operational performance of transit systems, with specialized focus in the management of incidents, investigations, safety, risk, quality, and regulatory compliance.
Incident Notification
Notification system that sends timely notifications to the right people, in the right format, using the right mode of delivery allowing you to respond, assist, support and investigate the situation as soon as possible.
Learning Management
Provides users with a combination of traditional online classroom learning and behind the wheel (BTW) training. This tool helps administer, document, track, report, and communicate the various forms of curriculum.
Vehicle Telematics
Fleet management made easy; this visual depiction tool shows you trends in vehicle operations. Using GPS location and telematics connectivity you’ll have a driver management program at your fingertips to monitor, analyze, intervene and train employees.

Learn More

Francine James
Francine James
Vice President of Safety & Security
Contact us